Unlock Your Performance Potential
Allowing young footballers to unlock their full potential by embracing their strengths & weaknesses, building confidence and consistency, to play with freedom and enjoyment every time they step on the pitch.
Get In Touch
What I Do
The skills I teach allow young footballers to find out the emotions that are holding them back from performing to the best of their ability, even when they’re scared to tell anyone how they feel. Giving them mind unlocking tools for football, empowered with a better mindset.
I provide continued support on the journey to playing with freedom
How I Do It
Collaborating online and in person with either 1-2-1 or group sessions. Starting off with a free initial consultation to then create a bespoke mindset plan that suits your needs. The mindset plan is based around common emotions that come up in football, how to manage them and building their emotional intelligence
How I Can Help
I know we get scared before going on the pitch so being confident is essential for performing at your best
Post-Game Reflection
It’s easy to get hung up on a bad game, but this is part of the process. Use my 3 step process to gain clarity and move forward
Performance Anxiety
Most of us get nervous emotions before games but it’s how we deal with them and get them to help rather than hinder performance
Get In The Zone
I will teach you how to get in the flow state consistently so that every decision you make whilst playing seems easy
Pre-Match Routine
We can create a bespoke routine together to suit your needs, tailored towards your goals
Deal With Mistakes
Move on from mistakes & release overthinking so that you can continue to play with freedom
The Process
Fill in The ‘Get In Touch’ Form
Free Initial Consultation
Continual Support
Unlocked Mind
Play With Freedom
Who am I?
I was someone that was scared to tell anyone about how I felt, always struggled with performance anxiety and was left with no energy before I’d stepped foot on the pitch, until my path led me to finding my own mindset coach, who’s helped me with the use of EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and visualisation.
It had such a positive affect on my game, inspiring me to do what I do now, help others play with freedom, with the skills that I’ve learnt after training to become a practitioner myself.
Ex Premiere League Footballer Using Matrix
Ex Premier League footballer, Paul Robinson, used Matrix Reimprinting to be able to move on from an 8-0 loss he suffered when playing for Birmingham City in 2016.
Does This Sound Like Your Child?
Frustrated that they’re not being noticed by professional clubs?
Drained of energy before they play?
Don’t look forward to playing competitive football?
Feel like they have to be the best player on the pitch?
Not sure what version of them is going to play on game-day?
Doesn’t want to talk to anyone after a game?
Talented but find it hard to consistently play at their best?
Worried about what will happen if they have a bad game?
Believe they should be playing at a higher level?
Do all the right things away from football but still don’t get the results they expect?
Worried about being in the starting 11 but annoyed if they’re not picked?
Feel guilty if thinking for about quitting because they don’t want to waste their talent?
Play well in training but nervous on matchday?
Get in touch for your free connection call
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