Bellow is a brief overview of the techniques I use. While they may seem a bit complex at first glance, you don’t need any prior knowledge of EFT or Matrix Reimprinting for these tools to be effective.
What is EFT
The History
EFT is an emotional healing technique which is also capable of relieving many physical symptoms, with the origins dating back to over 5000 years ago, in the ancient Chinese Shaolin and Taoist monasteries where the subtle energies and meridians that travel throughout the body were first mapped.
Our Meridians
‘The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the in the body’s energy system’ is what EFT contends and works by tapping with the finger tips on various body locations. Just like acupuncture but instead of needles you stimulate the major meridian lines by tapping on them.
This tapping serves to balance energy meridians which become disrupted when you think about or become involved in an emotionally disturbing situation. Resulting in the actual memory or situation staying the same, but the negative emotion behind it is gone.
You could think of the meridians as rivers, upsets in emotional or physical health lead to the equivalent of blockages or overflows in the rivers. Tapping on the meridian points sends kinetic energy down the energy system clearing the blockages, allowing energy to flow freely again.
Some Of My Experience
I would always feel anxious before playing competitive football, but with EFT I have been able to reduce this negative emotion, allowing me to play with more freedom and enjoy the moment.
What Is Matrix Reimprinting
How Matrix Reimprinting Was Created
Matrix Reimprinting was created by EFT founding master Karl Dawson in 2006. It combines EFT with understandings from epigenetics and quantum science to create personal change. It is noted for its ability to transform relationships with the past, resulting in shifts in emotional and physical well-being in the present as well as the future.
Some More History
In 1944, Max Planck, the man many consider to be the father of quantum theory, shocked the world by saying there is a ‘matrix’ of energy that provides the blueprint for our physical world.
Understanding Matrix Reimprinting
The understanding Matrix Reimprinting is based off is that when we experience a trauma, part of our consciousness splits away into the holographic matrix – the energetic field that underlies all of existence. These dissociated parts that split away become Energy Consciousness Holograms or ‘ECHOs’. The aim of Matrix Reimprinting is to change the habitual patterns and beliefs being held by the ECHOs in our energetic fields, by working directly with the ECHOs to provide them with the resources they need to release trauma and create empowering new images to be held in our energetic fields.
For example, there was a particular memory I had from a really bad game I played when I was younger, and I remember this being one of the first or major times I felt nervous whilst playing football. With Matrix Reimprinting I was able to go back to that memory and change my feelings towards how I performed that day and release the weight I felt like I was carrying from the trauma I felt that day. Doing this has allowed me to release the reoccurring negative emotions I’d have come up since that day, along with go to a future version of myself that I wanted to be and feel the positive emotions I wanted to feel whilst playing such as flow, joy and freedom.
The same way we use EFT in the present moment, Matrix Reimprinting allows us to go back to previous memories and use the same technique, but on a younger version of ourselves and release any negative emotions that are trapped in our past. This enables us to create new and supportive pictures & ‘memories’ in the matrix.
Matrix Reimprinting can be used for just about any emotional, psychological, physical or spiritual issue.
Trauma & ECHOs
ECHOs are created during a situation in which we feel powerless or there is a threat to survival and we ‘freeze’, also known as a traumatic event. For me this was playing at one of the best levels I’d played at in men’s football at the time as a teenager, and it was like I’d completely forgotten how to use my feet, legs were like jelly, even though I’d had one of my best preseasons with the club before this game. For someone else it might be a time in their childhood where a coach or teacher has said they’re not good enough, and an event has triggered the same feeling they were feeling at the time, causing them to not be able to play with full confidence in themselves.
Trauma is different depending on who you are and how you perceive a situation. For an adult it may take a major event like a bereavement or car crash to feel traumatised, for a young child, being told by an adult that you are bad, stupid or many of a million words has the potential to traumatise. Any of these events could affect your performance and that is why Matrix Reimprinting can be so powerful because you can go back and change how you made the perceived trauma made you feel at the time and stop it affecting you in the present and future.
No, you don’t have to know much at all. I will guide you step by step, taking you through each process and we can work together on what you’re comfortable with.
Emotional Freedom Technique.
The Matrix is another name for what quantum physicists call the Quantum Field, which others have called the Field, the Mind of God, Nature’s Mind, the Divine Matrix, etc.
Imprinting refers to the way humans take on the characteristics of their parents or environment by observation and imitation.
Yes, you may not feel like you’ve been through any traumatic events that affect your performance, but these techniques can still help prevent how you may react to something negative in the future. They can also be used to elevate your performance and create more harmony in yourself.
In simple terms, quantum science is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. Science says that everything is made up of tiny atoms, and these vibrate at different rates. Knowing this paired with EFT & Matrix Reimprinting, we can change the way our atoms vibrate, enabling us to perform at our best when we step onto the football pitch.
Epigenetics refers to how behaviours and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Dr Bruce Lipton talks a lot about how eventually cells and DNA will adapt to misperceptions of often unconscious images in our energetic field.